Sebastian Haeseler

Publications and Preprints

Analysis of Dirichlet forms on graphsExterner Link, Disseration.

Diffusion on Delone setsExterner Link (with Xueping Huang, Daniel Lenz, Felix Pogorzelski), J. Stat. Phys. 167 (2017), no. 6, 1496-1510. 

Graphs of finite measureExterner Link (with Agelos Georgakopoulos, Matthias Keller, Daniel Lenz, Radosław Wojciechowski),  J. Math. Pures Appl. (9) 103 (2015), no. 5, 1093-1131.

Volume growth and bounds for the essential spectrum for Dirichlet formsExterner Link (with Matthias Keller, Radoslaw Wojciechowski),  Journal of the London Mathematical Society,  Volume 88, Issue 3  (2013), 883-898.

Laplacians on infinite graphs: Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditionsExterner Link (with Sebastian Haeseler, Daniel Lenz, Radoslaw Wojciechowski), Journal of Spectral theory, Volume 2, Issue 4  (2012), 397-432.

Generalized solutions and spectrum for Dirichlet forms on graphsExterner Link (with Matthias Keller), Random Walks, Boundaries and Spectra, Progress in Probability, (2011) Birkhäuser, 181-201.

Heat kernel estimates and related inequalities on metric graphsExterner Link, submitted.


WS 2008/09

Übung Analysis I für Physiker

SS 2009

Übung Analysis II für Physiker

WS 2009/10

Übung Höhere Analysis I

SS 2010

Übung Höhere Analysis II

Seminar "Trace ideals and applications"

WS 2010/11

Übung C*-Algebren

Seminar "Classical Potential theory"

SS 2011

Übung Analysis II

WS 2011/12

Übung Analysis  III

SS 2012

Übung Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen

WS 2012/13

Übung Mathematik für Chemiker

Seminar Banachverbände

WS 2013/14

Übung Analysis III


December 2012

Workshop  "Dirichlet forms, operator theory and mathematical physics", Djerba Tunesia

September 2012

Oberseminar der Gruppe Analysis, Universität Ulm

September 2011

DMV Jahrestagung Minisymposium "Operatortheorie" , Köln

September 2011

PhD Symposium, Jena

July 2011

Graduate student symposium within the Summer school "Graphs and spectra", Chemnitz

March 2011

Université de Valenciennes, LAMAV

March 2011

Université de Lyon,  Séminaire "Physique mathématique"

March 2011

Université de Grenoble, Séminaire "Physique mathématique"

March 2011

Université Bordeaux 1, l'équipe d'analyse

January 2011

Chemnitz University of Technology, Joint Research Seminar of the group Analysis and Stochastic

Juli 2010

Analysis on graphs and applications - Follow up meeting, Isaac Newton Institute Cambridge

Juli 2010

IWOTA 2010, Berlin

April 2010

Conference "Analysis, geometry and probability related to group actions", Zakopane

Oktober 2009

DMV Studierendenkonferenz in Bochum

September 2009

Graz University "Mathematische Strukturtheorie"

Juli 2009

Workshop "Structure and Dynamics of Networks" in Blaubeuren


Zur Analyse Dirichlet'scher Formen auf GraphenExterner Link

Dirichlet forms on graphsExterner Link

Generalized solutions and spectrum for graphsExterner Link

Stochastic completeness of metric graphsExterner Link

The parabolic Harnack inequality on metric graphsExterner Link

Abstrakte Versionen klassischer Ungleichungen und Anwendungen auf QuantengraphenExterner Link


seit 04/2014

Analytiker bei MG SystemsExterner Link, Haeseler-KabeltechnikExterner Link

seit 12/2013

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in der Arbeitsgruppe Analysis

10/2008 - 11/2013

Promotion im Fach Mathematik and der FSU Jena

10/2003 - 09/2008

Studium der Mathematik mit Nebenfach Physik an der TU Chemnitz