
Our members
  1. Dittrich, Peter, apl. Prof. Dr. AG Biosystemanalyse
  2. Amistas, Deza PhD Student together with C. Flamm, Univ. Vienna
  3. Herrera, Erika M. PhD Student together with Andersen/Fagerberg/Merkle, SDU
  4. Kureev, Nikolai PhD Student together with Diz-Munoz and Ejsing Laboratories, EMBL
  5. Pal, Adittya PhD Student together with Andersen/Fagerberg/Merkle, SDU
  6. Ruth, Beatrice PhD Student AG Biosystemanalyse
    +49 3641 9-46461

    Raum 3431
    Ernst-Abbe-Platz 2
    07743 Jena