Hierarchical structure of microbial communities

Visualization of the hierarchical structure of microbial communities through intersecting measurements also enables reaction prediction.

This is project 6 of the program digitalisation of the life sciencesExterner Link.

Visualization of subset relationships in microbial data

Zu sehen ist die hierarchische Struktur der einzelnen Messpunkte.

Grafik: Beatrice Ruth

Based on the theory of chemical organizations and formal concept analysis, new methods for representing the hierarchical structure of microbial data are developed and applied.

In addition to the taxa composition, environmental factors are also taken into account in the data. The taxa resolution can be individually adjusted and is designed for the selection of different taxa groups.

The tool is now available on https://git.uni-jena.de/ne78xoy/focusedfcaExterner Link.

Interaction prediction between taxa from microbial data

Based on the hierarchical structure, new methods can be developed through the application of chemical organization theory, which allow an interaction prediction regarding the taxa in microbial communities.

Zuletzt aktualisiert: Ist: 80% Interaction prediction between taxa from microbial data Ziel: Development and application of new methods for interaction prediction based on chemical organization theory and genetic programming