DFG SPP PML Phaseseperation

Development and application of computer methods for spatial rule-based modeling and simulation of "programmable phase separation" in PML bodies.

This project funded by the DFG is a part in the priority program "Molecular Mechanisms of Functional Phase Separation" (SPP 2191)Externer Link.

Virtual Microscopy of a nuclear body with SR-SIM

Bild: Peter Dittrich

It is a tandem project in cooperation with the Hemmerich working group at the FLI Jena, which generates experimental data using state-of-the-art living cell microscopy, among other things. The physical proximity of the two working groups enables a close, mutual development of the theoretical and experimental side.

From a biological point of view, the aim is to elucidate mechanisms of potential phase separation in the formation of PML bodies in the nucleus of human cells and their role in recombination and repair of the genome.

From the perspective of computer science, we want to understand these processes as a form of (evolutionary) programmable self-assembly and phase separation and describe them through rule-based reaction networks in space (cf. e.g. SRSIM).