
Jena Data Center (JDC)

data repositories that are using the BEXIS tool
Image: Taylor Vick (

Startdate: 2020-09-01

Status: active

Website: Jena Data Center (archived static website)External link



The Jena Data Center (JDC) at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena de is a conglomerate of data repositories belonging to various small to mid-scale biodiversity and ecological projects, that are using BEXIS2External link research data management tool.

The aim of the data centre is to provide F.A.I.R External linkprinciples-based data and ensure long-term preservation and availability along with its high-quality descriptive metadata, to facilitate open science and biodiversity conservation. As part of the long-term preservation objective, after the completion of the project tenure, the data centre will integrate the associated BEXIS2 based data repositories within the Jena data centre e-infrastructure so as to ensure the data is available beyond the lifetime of the projects. The centre will also provide the technical infrastructure to host BEXIS2 instances for small and mid-scale projects, thus reducing the project costs required for building and maintaining the research data management e-infrastructure.

The Jena Data Center e-infrastructure is being built in close collaborations with the research data management experts and scientists from the biodiversity and ecology community. The data centre also intends to play a key role in data mobilization and data discovery by forming alliances with national and global initiatives such as GFBioExternal link and GBIFExternal link.