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Arrival by Train

at Jena Paradies or Jena West - bon voyage!
train icon
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Please consult German Railway Website for further information:

Fahrplanauskunft der Deutschen BahnExternal link

If you arrive from Frankfurt or Dresden, your destination will be Jena West.

If you arrive from Berlin, Leipzig, or Munich, your destination will be Jena Paradies.

From either station, it takes a taxi about 5 to 10 minutes to reach the Leutragraben 1. Both stations are also within easy walking distance.

From Jena Paradies, there is also a Tram

  • Tram No 5 (to "Holzmarkt)
  • from there, please procede per pedes: 
    • continue along the tracks to the crossroad
      (Schillerstraße / Leutragraben)
    • turn right to the Jentower (shopping center Neue Mitte)
    • take the 2nd of two entrances and walk down the floor to the reception desk