Overview of the results
Compass being held by a person
Image: Image from Ali Kazal on UnsplashCompass of the federal IT architecture
Click hereExternal link for an overview of the federal IT architecture in
Logo of the simpLEX project
Image: Hannes Hulstaert (Noun Project)simpLEX Study
Exploratory study on low-code platforms in the public sector can be found here .External link
Law Texts
Image: Photo by Patrick Tomasso on UnsplashGerPS-NER
The GerPS-NER dataset was systematically annotated with 10 process-relevant categories. The exact procedure is presented in the paper "GerPS-NER: A Dataset for Named Entity Recognition to Support Public Service Process Creation in GermanyExternal link", the dataset was published on zenodoExternal link.
Law Texts
Image: Photo by Patrick Tomasso on UnsplashGerPS-HIL
The GerPS-HIL prototype of an interactive tool for annotating legal texts and creating processes is currently under development. The structure is described in the posterExternal link and is currently being evaluated.
Text Annotation
Image: RaadLarge language models for FIM standards analysis
In a first study, we used LLMs to annotate German legal texts with the categories of GerPS-NER. We found that these models can contribute to the annotation process. The details can be found in the paper "Extracting Legal Norm Analysis Categories from German Law Texts with Large Language ModelsExternal link"
Law Texts
Image: Photo by Patrick Tomasso on UnsplashGerPS-onto
Our core ontology, which we use to semantically describe processes in order to digitise them. The ontologyExternal link is instantiated by a pipelineExternal link and was first mentioned in the paperExternal link.
Image: wor_wootKeycloak-plugin
Tool for extending Keycloak to be able to add BundID-specific information in the SAML request for authentication. Published on Open CoDEExternal link.
Image: jenarbeitTwo digitalised services for jenarbeit
The project partner betterlaw knowledgeTools Automation GmbHExternal link used the NoCode platform Logos to digitise two services for jenarbeit - the job centre of our project partner, the Jena city administration - by checking your entitlement to education and participation (BuT) to approve the costs of a school trip for a pupil in Jena and the application for a citizen's allowanceExternal link. The BuT benefit to support a school trip is about to go live. It will soon be available on the jenarbeit website and is already linked to jenarbeit. For this reason, we are only providing the link to the application for citizen's allowance. There you can click through the form. For more information, please use the presentation slides from the 2nd openDVA congressExternal link.
OpenCoDE Logo
Graphic: OpenCoDEWe work open source
We have published our first results on the German open source platform ‘ Open CoDEExternal link ’ for the public sector. There you will find our compass of the federal government's IT architecture and soon also our study on low code platforms in the public sector. We invite you to contribute your knowledge so that our work lives on!