
All publications of the research group Dynamical Systems in chronological order.


  • Construction of smooth isomorphic and finite-to-one extensions of irrational rotations which are not almost automorphic. L. Haupt and T. Jäger. Preprint 2024, to appear in Ergodic Theory Dyn. Syst. 


  • On the probability of positive finite-time Lyapunov exponents on strange non-chaotic attractors. 
    F. Remo, G. Fuhrman and T. Jäger. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 44(4):929-942, 2024. 
  • Continuum-wise hyperbolicity.
    A. Artigue, B. Carvalho, W. Cordeiro, J. Vieitez. J. Differential Equations 378:512-538, 2024. 


  • Amorphic complexity of group actions with applications to quasicrystals.
    G. Fuhrmann, M. Gröger, T. Jäger and D. Kwietniak. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 376(4):2395–2418, 2023.


  • On the effect of forcing on fold bifurcations and early-warning signals in population dynamics.
    F. Remo, G. Fuhrman and T. Jäger. Nonlinearity 35(12):6485-6527, 2022.
  • A note on entropy of Delone sets. 
    T. Hauser. Math. Nachr. 295(8):1513-1532, 2022. 


  • Irregular model sets and tame dynamics. 
    G. Fuhrmann, E. Glasner T. Jäger and C. Oertel. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 374(5):3703-3734, 2021.
  • On the onset of diffusion in the kicked Harper model. 
    T. Jäger, A. Koropecki and F. Tal. Comm. Math. Phys. 383(2):953-980, 2021.
  • Mean equicontinuity, almost automorphy and regularity. 
    F. García-Ramos, T. Jäger and X. Ye. Israel J. Math. 243(1):155-183, 2021.
  • Relative topological entropy for actions of non-discrete groups on compact spaces in the context of cut and project schemes. T. Hauser. J. Dynam. Differential Equations 33(2):891-912, 2021.


  • Beyond topological hyperbolicity: the L-shadowing property.
    A. Artigue, B. Carvalho, W. Cordeiro, J. Vieitez. J. Differential Equations 268(6):3057-3080, 2020. 


  • Genericity of mode-locking for quasiperiodically forced circle maps.
    J. Wang, T. Jäger and Q. Zhou. Adv. Math. 348:353-377, 2019.
  • Hyperbolic graphs: critical regularity and box dimension.
    L. Diaz, K. Gelfert, M. Gröger and T. Jäger. Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 368(9):6643-6662, 2019.
  • Model sets with positive entropy in Euclidean cut and project schemes.
    T. Jäger, D. Lenz and C. Oertel. Ann. Sci. École Norm. Sup. 52:1073-1106, 2019. 
  • Monotonicity of maximal equicontinuous factors and an application to toral flows.
    T. Hauser and T. Jäger. Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 147(10):4539-4554, 2019.