
Externally funded research projects of the research group Dynamical Systems at the FSU Jena.
  • DFG-project: Surface dynamics, 2017-2021

    DFG-Projekt OE 538/9-1. 

  • Innovative Training Network CRITICS (EU Horizon 2020), 2015-2020

    Projektpartner im EU-geförderten ITN `Critical Transitions in Complex Systems (CRITICS)External link (Marie-Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 643073), koordiniert von  Jeroen LambExternal link und Martin RasmussenExternal link (Imperial College London). 

    CRITICS Logo
    CRITICS Logo
    Graphic: Chris Richley
  • Heisenberg professorship (DFG): Topological, geometric and probabilistic aspects of dynamical systems, 2015-2021

    DFG-Projekt OE 538/6-1,7-1,7-2,7-3. 

  • Scientific Network (DFG): Dynamics of skew product systems and multifractal analysis, 2012-2016

    DFG-Projekt OE 538/3-1. Begonnen 2009 an der TU Dresden, transferiert nach Jena 2015. 

  • Emmy Noether project (DFG): Aspects of low-dimensional and non-autonomous dynamical systems, 2009-2016

    DFG-Projekt JA 1721/2-1,2. Start 2009 an der TU Dresden, Transfer nach Jena 2015.