A wooden table in front of a blackboard. On the desk are books, chalk and coffee mugs.

Dr Daniel Dörfler

lecturer mathematical optimization
A wooden table in front of a blackboard. On the desk are books, chalk and coffee mugs.
Image: AI-generated


Academic career

  • Positions
    • since 07.2024: lecturer
      • Friedrich Schiller University Jena
    • 10.2023 - 03.2024: interim professorship "Mathematical Optimization 1"
      • Friedrich Schiller University Jena
    • 10.2019 - 09.2023: research associate and PhD student
      • Friedrich Schiller University Jena
    • 05.2017 - 07.2022: various activities as research assistant as well as lectureships
      • Friedrich Schiller University Jena and Ernst Abbe University of Applied Sciences Jena
  • Degrees
    • 2019-2023: Dr rer. nat., summa cum laude
      • Friedrich Schiller University Jena
      • Title of the PhD thesis: Calculus of unbounded spectrahedral shadows and their polyhedral approximation
      • Reviewers of the PhD thesis:
        • Prof. Dr Andreas Löhne, FSU Jena (supervisor)
        • Prof. Dr Birgit Rudloff, WU Vienna
        • Prof. Dr Gabriele Eichfelder, TU Ilmenau
    • 2017-2019: M.Sc. Mathematics, 1.0
      • Friedrich Schiller University Jena
      • Title of the master's thesis: A Benson-type algorithm for convex multiple objective optimization problems with vertex selection
    • 2013-2017: B.Sc. Mathematics, 1.3
      • Friedrich Schiller University Jena
      • Title of the bachelor's thesis: Equivalence of two duality theories in multiple objective linear optimization (in german)
    • 2005-2013: general university entrance qualification, 1.3
      • State grammar school "Johann-Gottfried-Seume" Vacha
  • Awards and honours
    • PhD award 2024
      • endowed by the Friends and Patrons of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena
    • master's thesis award 2020
      • of the dean of the faculty of mathematics and computer science, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
    • Deutschlandstipendium (german public-private scholarship)
      • 2018-2019 endowed by EQUIcon Software GmbH Jena
      • 2017-2018 endowed by Carl Zeiss Foundation Stuttgart

Contact details

Daniel Dörfler, Dr
lecturer mathematical optimization
Room 3339
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 2
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link