Answering Comparative Questions with Arguments
Logo des ACQuA-Projekts
Logo des ACQuA-Projekts
Graphic: Benno Stein

In the ACQuA project (funded since 2018 within the DFG-SPP 1999 RATIO: Robust Argumentation MachinesExternal link; project partner: “Language Techology”External link group from the Universität Hamburg), we develop algorithms and tools that help to understand and answer comparative questions like “Should I buy or rent a house?”.

An answer to a comparative question should ideally combine the available facts, opinions, and arguments to explain under what circumstances which alternative should be favored. To this end, we work on the following topics:

  1. identifying a question's comparison objects and aspects,
  2. retrieving relevant (argumentative) documents from some web-scale collections,
  3. detecting the stance of the retrieved documents,
  4. generating an answer from the extracted facts and retrieved documents.



  1. Bondarenko, Alexander Professorship of Databases and Information Systems
  2. Hagen, Matthias, Univ.-Prof. Dr Professorship of Databases and Information Systems