Maik Fröbe

Researcher and PhD candidate

Maik Fröbe studied computer science (M.Sc.) at the university of Leipzig. Since February 2019 he was a researcher in the big data analytics group at the institute for computer science of the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, and now since 2022 he is at the chair for databases and information systems. The group is part of the Webis GroupExternal link.

His current research interests lie in the areas of information retrieval, machine learning and big data—in particular near-duplicate detection in web archivesExternal link and learning to rank. 


Supervised theses:

  • Karl Hase. Statistical Bootstrap Tests with Redundant Data
  • Max Henze. Simulation von Suchanfragen durch Anchortext
  • Simon Reich. Integrating Information Retrieval Toolkits into TIRA
  • Jan Heinrich Reimer. Identifying and Answering Health-Related Questions
  • Danik Hollatz. Precision-Oriented Argument Retrieval
  • Wilhelm Beiche. Kontextabhängige Termgewichtung für Total-Recall-Suchen
  • Adrien Klose. Multi-Task-Learning mit Transformer-Modellen für die Ad-Hoc-Suche mittels Information-Retrieval-Axiomen
  • Nicola Lea Libera. The Performance of Human Query Obfuscation - A Gamified Approach
  • Maximilian Probst. MS-Anchor: Linktexte als Ranking-Features im Zeitalter von Deep Learning
  • Paul Alexander Cahn. Total Recall via Keyqueries: A Case Study for Systematic Reviews
  • Johannes Huck. Keyqueries zur Erweiterung von Suchanfragen mit explizitem Relevanz-Feedback
  • Daniel Wächtler. Automatische Erzeugung von Ground-Truth-Daten für Learning to Rank aus Twitter-Crawls
  • Eric Oliver Schmidt. Crypsor: Automatische Verschleierung sensibler Suchanfragen
  • Jan Philipp Bittner. Evaluation of Ad-Hoc Information Retrieval Systems on Web Crawls with Redundant Documents
  • Jan Heinrich Reimer. Bias in Learning to Rank Caused by Redundant Web Documents
  • Nina Katharina Schwanke. Entwicklung und Evaluierung einer Suchmaschine für Polizeipressemitteilungen
Maik Fröbe
Researcher and PhD candidate
Maik Fröbe
Image: privat
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