Simulating INteractive Information Retrieval

In the SINIR project (funded from 2020 to 2023 within the DFG program for Scientific Library Services and Information Systems (LIS)External link; project partners: Data Science ChairExternal link of the University of Passau and Leibniz Information Centre for Economics (ZBW)External link), we developed an open source simulation framework to support the evaluation and improvement of a digital library's retrieval system based on simulated user interactions.

The project was motivated by the observation that digital libraries with small user bases can not as effectively A/B-test different variants of their retrieval backend as, for instance, large web search engines can. We thus developed software components to scale-up the number of user interactions via realistic simulated queries, clicks, etc. and bundled everything in the SimIIR 2.0 software framework.



  1. Günther, Sebastian Professorship of Databases and Information Systems
  2. Hagen, Matthias, Univ.-Prof. Dr Professorship of Databases and Information Systems