Laptop und Website-Erstellung

Research Group Algorithm Engineering

Prof. Dr. Christian Komusiewicz
Laptop und Website-Erstellung
Image: Pixabay


Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)

We are interested in the design, theoretical analysis, and experimental evaluation of algorithms for a broad range of computational problems. Our main focus lies on NP-hard problems. In general, these problems have no efficient algorithms but many real-world instances can be usually solved quite efficiently. Typical problems considered in our research arise in different areas of data science such as

  • Network analysis (graph clustering, community detection)
  • Computational biology (string algorithms, phylogenetics)
  • Machine learning (decision trees, Bayesian networks)



Silvia Blaser
Institute of Computer Science
Room 3333
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 1-2
07743 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link