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Studying in Jena

Courses in Mathematics and Computer Science
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Image: Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash

Studying Mathematics in Germany/in Jena

Webinar: Studying Mathematics & Physics in Germany (featuring University Jena)

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We are featured in a webinar of MyGermanUniversity telling international students where to study a Master's degree in mathematics or physics. Our study advisor André Prater presents our international Master's programs.

© MyGU GmbH (Study Mathematics & Physics in GermanyExternal link) 2021

Now on a Poster: The Best Reasons for Choosing our Study Programmes

Post of the international Matheamtics degrees of the University of Jena

Image: University of Jena

Studying Mathematics

The International Master of Science programs in Mathematics and Business Mathematics at the Friedrich-Schiller University (FSU) of Jena offer excellent learning conditions and provide exceptional prospects for their graduates.

We offer our students advanced courses in all modern fields of pure and applied mathematics including Algebra, Analysis, Geometry, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing, Mathematical Optimization, Theoretical Computer Science, Stochastics, and Financial Mathematics. We guarantee personalized teaching plans, consistent and thorough guidance, and an excellent student to professor ratio. Additionally, the Master of Science programs include courses in “German as a Foreign Language” to improve the employment prospects of our international graduates on the German and international job markets.

The FSU Jena, founded in 1558, is one of the oldest and most traditional German universities. The School of Mathematics and Computer Science is ranked among the best in Germany and the rest of Europe (see e.g. the CHE ranking and the CWTS Leiden Ranking).

Living in Jena

The city of Jena is known for its high number of young university students, who enjoy the “Jenaer Studentenparadies” de (Jena’s paradise for students). Besides having an extraordinary university, Jena provides a vast variety of cultural events and many possibilities for relaxation and enjoyment.

Jena has a long tradition as a scientific hub city: The foundations of modern optics were established in Jena by Ernst Abbe, a former professor at the FSU, together with Otto Schott and Carl Zeiss. FSU Jena was also the workplace of the notable mathematician Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob Frege, whose outstanding research provided the basis of modern mathematical logic. Today, scientific research in Jena is as relevant and strong as ever, with various research centers including Max Planck, Leibniz, Fraunhofer, Helmholtz and Friedrich Loeffler Institutes leading the way.

Jena is home to influential stock companies, such as Jenoptik AG, Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, Intershop Communications AG, as well as to numerous biotech and E-commerce companies.